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50 - Sevenoaks, Kent, England

My friends would describe me as a deep thinker with endless curiosity for people A natural conversationalist...


54 - Rossendale, Lancashire, England

If you are out to have a good old chin wag , a good laugh, love a woman with wit also a great sense of humour we...


59 - Brighton, East Sussex, England

I’ve been patiently waiting for someone who loves life, is emotionally intelligent, kind, active, cultured and...


59 - Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England

Curious, passionate and enquiring. I love long walks, live music and learning stuff. I enjoy reading, writing...


56 - Maidstone, Kent, England

My life always has a soundtrack of folk, punk and rock music (depending on mood). Love live gigs (but usually...


53 - Hillingdon, London, England

Hi, I am a really friendly, loyal and caring girl. I love being in the company of others. I will spoil you and...

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Success Stories

We both joined the site within a week of each other! I ‘liked’ him, he ‘liked’ me back! We followed that up with a 2 1/2 hour phone call, then met on April 5th. Barely a couple of months on and we’re both pretty certain this is it! So grateful I took a chance!!!
Jacqui, 27 May 2024
I've met a really lovely man, it's early days but neither of us wants to meet anyone else. We're making plans, we are both widowed and this feels like something lovely coming from a lot of heartache. Thank you
Kat, 24 October 2024
I have met my missing piece of my life jigsaw 🧩❤️
John, 19 December 2024

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Feedback from members we've helped in the past.

Your kind assistance to my query about my photos was resolved. It is much appreciated. I remains for me to express my immense gratitude. Thank so very much!
Rod, 28 April 2024
That's great, thank you very much. You have been extremely helpful.
Julie, 18 June 2024
Thanks very much for your speedy reply and confirmation. Much appreciated,
Caroline, 08 July 2024